Welcome to the Holiday Park Church of Christ
We would like to invite you to worship with us – whether you’re new to the area or you’re looking for a church home. We are a growing church striving to serve God in all we do. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey.
Worship With Us
Bible classes for all ages ... Sundays at 10am
Worship service ... Sundays at 11am
1510 Abers Creek Road
Plum, Pennsylvania 15239
Fun and casual for
all ages and families
Recent Sermons
From the pulpit to your computer's speakers; listen to recent sermons on our YouTube Channel or Church Blog.
Learn about all of the missions the Holiday Park Church of Christ supports around Western Pennsylvania & the globe.
Bulletin Articles
Keep up-to-date with all of the educational & inspirational articles from the Holiday Park Church of Christ's bulletin.
The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock; And exalted be the God of my salvation,
Psalm 18:46

Vacation Bible School
Every June we host a week of fun for all ages! VBS includes Bible dramas, crafts, kids' songs, puppets and more!

Junior Youth Ministry
Safe, fun events for children are happening throughout the year! Feel free to join us!

Crosswalk Teens Ministry
From camp to trips to service projects, our teens are always planning the next big event! Come be a part of it!